Sunday, November 12, 2006


Rumsfeld is gone, the NeoCons strangle hold on the executive branch is broken and the Bush 41 damage control team has moved in.

The Democratic Party has control of both houses and most believe the end of an era, The Era of Rovian Politics is over.

All without a shot being fired at home.

"And in an ironic turn of events Iraq forces Regime Change in the United States." (Amy Poehler, SNL Weekend Update 11/11/2006)

Who-hoo, who-hoo indeed.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lieberman falls on his sword

The DLC demonstrates a complete lack of control... He's decided to go Independent anyway.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Wired News: Fan Films Reclaim the Whedonverse

I admit it, I'm a Firefly junkie. Not big on Buffy and Angel or most of the other Whedon shows. Interesting article on the various fan-based parodies. Check out Into the Black for a Canadian made spin-off.

BTW, you can see Firefly 24x7 (along with all the Star Trek(s), Trailer Park Boys, Babylon 5, Simpsons, Family Guy and about 100 other shows with an $8 a month subscription to

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

RV-2 going Veggie

After several months of searching we found a deal on an RV. It's a few years newer than the last (86), and in much better shape on the interior. But most importantly it's a Diesel.

I've been scouring various forums and put together an initial list of bits needed to run P100 (fuel made from plants). Found a great resource by the name of Dana Linscott, who for a very reasonable PayPal transfer is reviewing the list and giving me specific recommendations on design, installation and brands.

His estimate is that I will be able to convert the RV for ~ $600.

Yup, for less than the cost of one round-trip from Seattle to Minneapolis in the RV (or flying), we'll be able to run Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO), Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO), or BioDiesel aprox 800 miles per fill up. Until I'm brewing my own, I can get BioDiesel at one of several thousand locations for a little less than Diesel; I can get SVO here in Seattle for $70 a gallon and I can get WVO (with prior arrangement) from most restaurant grease traps for FREE.

More details as the project unfolds. be governed by your inferiors

'The penalty for not participating in government is to be governed by your inferiors.' -Plato

As quoted by form Gov Kean (R-NJ) with the postscript: "Think about it, it may be happening."

Hmmmm... makes me think of another quote I was recently reminded of:

I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq..." and I did. -George W. Bush, June 2003

W = Moral Orel

Thanks Garrett and J0d4n for getting me off my blogging butt.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ohio State Senator Fires Back at Proposed Gay Adoption Ban Legislation

"I intend to introduce legislation in the near future that would ban households with one or more Republican voters from adopting children or acting as foster parents. Policymakers in Columbus have ignored this growing threat to our communities for far too long. My legislation is modeled after a bill recently introduced in the Ohio House by Rep. Ron Hood (R-Ashville via Carrollton), which would prohibit homosexual, bisexual and transgender people from adopting children. It is unclear at this point whether Rep. Hood supports my legislation, though I remain hopeful.


Sunday, February 19, 2006

j a c k *: Bolton for Petrodollars...

j a c k *: Bolton for Petrodollars...: "A series of articles has been pointing to a different rationale for the administration's posturing on Iran as well as Iraq. In 2000 Saddam Hussein either converted or threatened to convert all of his oil trade from dollars to euros. It turns out that this is a very significant event, more significant than most conventional news analysis has previously indicated."

Read on to learn what impact Iran trading with the Euro will do -- beginning in March of this year.


William Rivers Pitt | The Enemy

William Rivers Pitt | The Enemy: " Sometimes, the enemy is in Iraq, and we fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. Sometimes, the enemy is in Iran, allegedly toiling with all its collective might to manufacture nuclear weapons. Sometimes, the enemy is in Palestine, where Hamas used George W. Bush's exported democracy to take over the government. Sometimes, the enemy is an American face on a television offering criticism of the White House. Last week, the enemy was a blogger making a political expression."


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Let the echo chamber die down

Stop talking about Cheney shooting his hunting buddy. Pray for Mr Whittington's quick recovery and let this go. When you try to make a conspiracy out of everything, you have lost perspective.

Why the press corp has decided to make *this* the story they use to finally give grief to McClellan is a more interesting question.